Message from a Comrad in Rojava
Message from an internationalist in Rojava for the 12 October : On the international action day, take the streets ! The people of Rojava see it and it gives them strength. Let’s fight this struggle together !
Message from an internationalist in Rojava for the 12 October : On the international action day, take the streets ! The people of Rojava see it and it gives them strength. Let’s fight this struggle together !
[EN] Since the beginning of the Celox campaigns for internationalist fighters, for the female fighting units and for the new youth militia in Rojava, about 55.000€ have been donated. This allowed to buy:841 Celox bandages24 Celox applicators 24 Celox pouder Lire la suite…
The campaign Riseup4Rojava has published a statement following the dismissal of the 3 HDP co-mayors and the repression by the Turkish State. Read the statement
Venez vous équiper en sacs « » au local Sacco Vanzetti à Bruxelles pour soutenir la campagne de solidarité avec les femmes combattantes au Rojava. Tous les revenus sont dédiés à l’achat de pansements Celox. Prix : 5€Local Sacco Vanzetti, Chaussée Lire la suite…
You can now follow us on our Facebook and Twitter pages where we share news and updates about the women’s revolution in Rojava and solidarity with Kurdistan and its freedom movements. You can also contact us by email on Lire la suite…
The Internationalist Commune released an article in memory of Ulrike Meinhof. This article is the first of series related to the history of revolutionaries and their struggles. The stories and fights of Bobby Sands and Ulrike Meinhof, Hakî Karer and Lire la suite…
The comrades from the Internationalist Commune send us their support for this 1st May. Gruss der Internationalistischen Kommune zum ersten Mai. Salutations de la Commune Internationale pour le premier Mai. [DE] [IT] [FR]
The Women’s Defense Units (YPJ) was founded on April 4, 2013. Interview with YPJ spokeswoman Nesrin Abdullah who takes a look back to the early days when Kurdish women in Rojava took up arms, from ANF: « Women play a strategic Lire la suite…
As Kurdistan 24 reports, UN finishes first Ezidi mass grave exhumation in Iraq, shedding light on the horrors perpetrated by Daesh : « The United Nations Investigative Team for the Promotion of Accountability for Crimes Committed by ISIS (UNITAD) on Sunday Lire la suite…
Testimony from Amara Şervan on The Independent. Isis may have been destroyed – but the fight for women’s liberation is far from over: « I decided to join the YPJ in 2013. From the very start, Rimelan until Derik, Tel Kocer, Lire la suite…