Women in Afrin ready to fight
“As long as my gun is on my shoulder and my magazine belt on my waist, the enemy will not be able to enter the lands of my country.”
“As long as my gun is on my shoulder and my magazine belt on my waist, the enemy will not be able to enter the lands of my country.”
CELOX is an hemostatic agents designed to stop external bleeding from traumatic injuries such as gunshot, blast or stab wounds, but also injuries from vehicle accidents. They are used at the very first point of care. CELOX gauze stops severe arterial bleeding with only one minute of compression applied. This Lire la suite…
Le CELOX est un nouveau produit hémostatique d’urgence. Le CELOX peut stopper même les hémorragies potentiellement létales rapidement. Facile à utiliser, très sûr et extrêmement efficace, le CELOX sauve des vies. Mélangé au sang, le CELOX forme un gel résistant comme un caillot en moins de 30 secondes. Il agit Lire la suite…
« Efrin is everywhere, feminist struggle also » « Afrin est partout, La lutte féministe aussi »
In unity, we will be triumphant. In solidarity, we will defeat our enemies. Afrin will be the graveyard of Erdogan fascism. Our victory will be a victory for the future of humanity. The YPG will fight in the war, but you must conduct a huge and militant solidarity campaign back Lire la suite…
According to sources of the Kongra Star, the YPJ forces and civilian female forces have gathered around ten thousand volunteers for the defence of Afrin. Read more
A member of the Women’s Protection Units / YPJ targeting a military vehicle of the invading Turkish State military & allied Al-Qaeda gangs in the vicinity of Kri Kar hill in Rajo. Read more
Members of the Kurdish Women’s Movement of Rojava (Kongreya Star) formed a women battalion to support the resistance in Afrin. The battalion was named after Kurdish women fighter Avesta Xabur (Zuluh Hemo), who carried out an action of self-sacrifice against Turkish soldiers in Afrin on January 27. Read more
ATTENTION CHANGEMENT DE LIEU ! Suite au massacre de civils par l’armée turque ce début de semaine à Afrin, la communauté kudre appelle à manifester mercredi après midi à la place des Nations. Nous avons donc décidé de déplacer nôtre événement la bas. Merci de faire tourner l’information ! La Lire la suite…